L.A.C.E.D. UP "Artist Spotlight"

Artist: L.A.C.E.D. Up/Cooley High Gang
Hometown: Portsmouth/D.C.
Genre: Hip Hop
Mixtapes/Albums: Diary Of a Underground Hustler-D.O.U.G.H.
Latest Project: COOLEY HIGH mixtape
Links: Facebook- L.A.C.E.D. Up Twitter- @LacedUp_4Lyfe, @LacedupRep


Q: How did you all come together?
A: Been friends since high school that hung around the same circle.

Q:  How long have you been doing music?
A: About 1 year

Q: What artists have you collaborated with?
A: Mike Mo, EarDrumz,

Q: What producers have you worked with?
A: Mark Deschamps, EarDrumz, Miles Sloan, Octane

Q: Scale from 1-10.. What would you rate your stage performance?
A: 8

Q: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
A: Hopefully a deal, a lot of mixtapes under are belt, and a couple albums done, and just more music period.

Q: Do you think your career in the industry will be long term?
A: As long as  we stay level headed, keep the music coming, and never forget why we doin this yea we have a long career here.
