Model of the Week - Jesyka Wild

Name: Jesyka Wild
Age: 22
Hometown: Wichita, Kansas
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140
Cup: C
Waist: 25
Hips: 39
Shoe: 8.5
Eye color: Brown
Ethnicity: Black

Q & A's..

Q: How long have you been modeling? And was this something you've always wanted to do?
A. I did my first pageant at the age of 15, I won, but I absolutely hated it. I decided the "pretty girl" prancing around was definitely not for me. I waited a couple years and then did a few music videos and photoshoots between the ages of 17 and 19. I went off to The University of Kansas and forgot all about modeling. It wasn't something I always wanted to do, it was more so something I dabbled in on the side because I was constantly hearing, "you're so pretty! You should model!" so I gave it a try. In April 2016, I was in a new place of mind and my interests definitely changed since the age of 19. So I jumped head first into modeling and have been hungrily pursuing it ever since.

Q: What type of shoots do you prefer? Ever done runways or videos? If so explain..
A. I prefer creative shoots. I like to have fun when I'm shooting and push boundaries. I am looking for new creative concepts as we speak to tackle. I have done a few runway shows in the past. A couple were for local clothing lines and the others were for Paul Mitchell hair shows.

Q: What photographers have you worked with?
A. I have worked with a few photographers in the 757, notably Ashton Nicholas and Derek Walker.

Q: What qualities do you look for in a significant other?
A. I look for someone who just compliments me. I want to be able to talk to my significant other the same way I talk to my homegirls. I need someone that makes me laugh and keeps me on my toes. I can't have a man I can just run over, trust me, I'll try. I look for someone versatile. My name is "Jesyka Wild", so when I'm in my "Jesyka" mode, I just want to chill and watch movies, write poetry or listen to music. When I'm Miss Wild, I like to be just that, WILD. I need someone who can do both with me. Another thing that I look for is someone who is driven. I never wanted to live regular or just get by. I'm going after that money I can pass down to future generations. If he doesn't have the same financial goals he's immediately dismissed. I need someone supportive of both my careers and who is there to build me up the same way I'd do for him. We have to be each others number one fans!

Q: What is your idea of a romantic evening? Details..
A. To me a romantic evening could consist of anything. People should definitely steer away from the thought that all romantic evenings consist of a traditional nice dinner and a movie. I'm really into the arts. I love plays, the symphony and art museums. Yet, probably the most romantic date I went on consisted of a dinner then we went to the park and just walked and talked. We ended up at the YMCA outdoor track (it was late) and made a pallet and laid out there and looked at the stars. It was so simple and so unplanned. That's what made it great to me.

Q: Favorite TV show to watch?
A. Currently, my favorite show to watch is Shameless (U.S.), Black Mirror and How to Get Away With Murder.

Q: Who is your favorite music artist?
A. My favorite artist is Frank Ocean, hands down and no explanation needed!

Q: If you were an animal what animal would you be and why?
A. If I was an animal I would be an African Elephant. Elephants are my favorite animal, they are massive and majestic, mind their own business but if tested they will easily stomp out their attacker. I have a great long term memory, that's the main reason why I would be an elephant. Elephants never forget. They could get separated from a loved one and will search for them for 20 years and remember them when they find them.

Q: What will you do different this year than last year?
A. Last year I just started pursuing modeling seriously, so I was getting my feet wet. I was testing things out, getting the basics in. Now I have a decent foundation and a full layout of exactly what I need to do to grow from the stepping stones I put in place last year. I am so hungry and I feel my big meal coming this year!


IG: @JesykaWild
Snapchat: I keep my solely for people I've met in person
